Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Day 9, Cadio X (P90X Lean)

Once again, I didn't leave myself enough time to complete the whole workout. I think I had to skip the last 10 minutes before the cool down. I was pretty wasted by this time anyway, so I don't know that it was a bad thing.

I used my Heart Rate Monitor again and saw at times that my heart rate was as high as 199bpm... that's WAY over what my suggested maximum heart rate should be, but I only felt about as winded as 178bpm from the last time I did Cardio X... and the cardio workout seemed a lot easier this time around... so I would say I'm definitely making some progress.

One thing I did this morning was check my weight on a scale. I had been down around 201 for a couple weeks, but today I was 204. A very small portion of that could be muscle gain, but I'm guessing it is more fat because I was not eating very healthy at all over the past several days. With a couple trips to restaurants and not choosing healthy food, I'm guessing I added some fat.

I didn't recheck my Body Fat Percentage today to see if it has gone down at all... but I can't see that it would have from only one week of working out. I may check that a little later today and also talk about the body fat tester I bought (cheap!).

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