Monday, May 4, 2009

Tough just getting started

My wife has been going to her gym that she's a member of for quite a while now (comparatively... I think she started in January). I only say for quite sometime because she an I normally give up on stuff like this, but she has been REALLY motivated and has stuck with it.

She also changed our family diet a bit so it is MUCH more healthy, trying to minimize fat where she can. Just from that alone a lost a couple pounds and at a minimum stopped gaining.

Her drive and motivation have inspired me though, so I picked out a workout program to start me off. She had heard really good things, from people she knew and trusted at the gym, about P90X. I wasn't aware that there are infomercials on this system (I haven't seen them), but I hear they are pretty cheeseball. Even still, people say it gets results.

What I didn't realize when I ordered it was that it's really designed to get people already in shape in even better shape. The only shape I'm in right now is round. ;-) But I did a little research and found that some people started with this as beginners and you just need to limit how much you do so you don't hurt yourself.

I was going to start this morning, but it's tough to just wake up in the morning, let alone workout too. We did a bunch of landscaping yardwork over the weekend, so I was a little beat from that... And I actually, quite literally, lost about 7-8 pounds from over the weekend! (This did NOT please my wife who has been busting her ass and not losing much weight... But she looks great)

Yesterday, I bought road tires for my mountain bike because it had serious off-road tires, and I NEVER go off-roading. I also bought a trainer (a stand that you put your bike in with resistance so you can use the bike in doors) so I can more easily incorporate some biking into my workout. I used to ride my bike about 6-7 miles a day to and from the train station... But then I had an accident going about 35-40mph where I went over the front of the bike and broke my arm when I tried to break my fall. So I didn't ride after that, but I've missed it a lot over the years.

I work out of my house, and have for the past 3 (almost 4) years. Over this time, along with travel for business and huge dinners at restaurants of fatty foods, I kind of blew up like a baloon. Went from 185 to 215, and I'm only 5'9". Actually, since our marriage in 98, I put on 50lbs at my max.

I've had a Bowflex for several years now that collects dust and is a place to stack stuff on. I used it for a little bit, but it became tough to "find the time", and I couldn't take it with me when I travel.

So I was looking for something that was easy enough to bring along when traveling. P90X seemed to fit that bill nicely.

I was going to journal my fitness in a physical paper journal with ink, but my life is so electronic, I think a blog will be better for me, and hopefully others can benefit from whatever I figure out and get out of it. I DO hope to post daily with what I do, as well as tracking my progress and measurements. I'm not sure if I will actually track my diet, but I may try in the beginning, or at least try to sum up the types of things I'm eating. In the beginning, it's mainly about getting in better shape and losing some unwanted fat (stomach mainly).

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